Table of Contents
Indie Web and Old Web |
Pokemon in General |
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon |
Kirby |
Kingdom Hearts |
Final Fantasy |
Final Fantasy XIV |
Undertale and Deltarune |
Fire Emblem |
Anime and Manga |
Star Wars |
Consider this a sequel to the Resources page, but this one is much more specific, as it focuses on sharing fanworks and game guides or even just YouTube channel recommendations. I've found that with how painful it is nagivating YouTube's algorithm these days, it's kind of become necessary to share some of my favorite videos in a curated location like this. I hope you find some of my recommendations helpful or interesting!
Indie Web and Old Web
"Weird Old Video Game & Anime Fansites" by hazel (youtube)
A video talking about old fansites. Lots of really great showcases for things I didn't know about like the AMV website. The rest of hazel's channel has a lot of great other videos too about obscure anime.
"You Should Check Out the Indie Web" by You've Got Kat
Basically a video made to sell people of the Indie Web, which you probably don't need if you're on this site, but still an interesting watch.
TheZZAZZGlitch's Pokemon Glitch Hunting and Hacking videos
This channel just has an absolute plethora of videos going through various Pokemon programming oddities. TBH there's still a lot of videos here I need to watch...
CannedWolfMeat's Obscure Pokemon Information videos
Note: Includes a video guide on the Ribbon Master Challenge. There's also a few videos covering useful topics like getting old Mystery Gift and Wi-Fi Event Pokemon that are super helpful to collectors.
AbsolBlogsPokemon Shiny Hunting-focused Vlog channel
A very nostalgic channel for me, harkening back to the "Video Blog" era featuring various many, many videos documenting Absol's various Shiny Hunts. Also has some longer videos for interesting challenges like the Level 100 Gauntlet and the Professor Oak Challenge.
King K's Pokemon Series Retrospective
King K is a favorite Video Essayist of mine and his Pokemon Retrospective series is a wonderful introduction to his channel and the calm and honest approach he takes to his analysis videos.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
PMD Fancomics (Google Drive, Spreadsheet)
A recently made website for hosting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction.
SkyTemple's list of available Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Rom Hacks.
Some of my personal recomendations include Explorers of the Spirit, Psychic Puppets, and Strung Up By Sketches!
Mystery Mail (SkyTemple Rom Hack video series + tutorials)
A very interesting SkyTemple project made by a team of programmers that takes turns scripting story cutscenes in a game of telephone, usually resulting in a very chaotic and oddly meta-aware narrative.
often includes mature humor.
Yes, it has lore now. Oh also SkyTemple tutorial videos! Maybe one day I'll learn SkyTemple and finally join a Mystery Mail of my own...
PMD Gang's SkyTemple Rom Hack videos
Features story-focused playthroughs of various SkyTemple Rom Hacks.
giantchasm's Kirby Lore Explained (Google Presentation)
A giant PowerPoint made by giantchasm on tumblr explaining the lore of the Kirby series. Is where this image comes from.

King K's Kirby Retrospective: the Dreamland Era
Another favorite video of King K's I have.
Faye's 5 Biggest Translation Errors in Modern Kirby
Mistranslation. The loremaster's worst enemy. Faye however has a long history of studying Kirby translation differences and this video is a great reference for some of the biggest points of dicussion among the Kirby fan community. The rest of her channel also shows off various Kirby difficulty mods.
Torkirby's video on References and Trivia in Kirby's Return to Dreamland
A great in depth video on all the ways Kirby's Return to Dreamland started the modern trend of Kirby games being more self-referential.
A modern kirby fansite. Provides updates on developer interviews, merchandise, official news, and fandom collabs.
A Kirby podcast! I particularly like it because the hosts are from the older side of the fandom that I don't hear much from otherwise.
Kingdom Hearts
Green Requiem's Kingdom Hearts Music Analysis Video Series
A big favorite of mine. A very well-explained video series that has expanded my love of the Kingdom Hearts's Series soundtrack even more.
Shedding Starlight: Kingdom Hearts Mythos Podcast
A recently started podcast that helps explain and discuss the Mythos and Mechanics of the Kingdom Hearts for newcomers starting with KH1.
The Secret Reports' Analysis and Theory Channel
Run by Mel (co-host of Shedding Starlight). Lots of incredibly well-edited videos explaining the lore of the more recent Kingdom Hearts games and theories.
King K's Kingdom Hearts Series Retrospective
Surprise! Another King K video series! Admittedly, I haven't gone back to watch the older videos in this series yet but his Kingdom Hearts III video is an absolute must watch for anyone interested in modern KH discourse, at least in my personal opinion.
A Channel focused on Narratively Analyzing the Kingdom Hearts Series.
Kingdom Hearts Database Re:Source
A comprehensive list of websites that host various Resources for the Kingdom Hearts series.
Final Fantasy Series
So in the past few months, I stumbled my way into discovering a bunch of FF retrospective/analysis videos so I'm putting all them here.
Ludiscere's Final Fantasy Series Analysis
Andrew Bluett's Final Fantasy Series Retrospective
Professor Bopper's Final Fantasy Series Analysis and Retrospective
Final Fantasy XIV
WeskAlber's FFXIV Video Guides (Combat Focused)
Jolsn's FFXIV Video Guides (UI and General Focused)
Jolsn's Job Hotbar Guide (PostImage)
PlayFrame's Accelerated FFXIV Story Playthrough
Undertale and Deltarune
Every Leitmotif in Undertale & Deltarune (Ch. 1&2)
HalfBreadChaos's Youtube Channel
A Deltarune theorist and analyzer specializing in datamining. I've learned so much about Deltarune and Undertale's very unique code thanks to this channel. Also the theories are fun too.
A great Deltarune theorist who or may not have created my personal sacred text for Deltarune theorycrafting, Deltarune and the Fourth Wall (Device Theory, Part 1 + 2). This channel also introduced to me to very, very interesting Staggering Winds channel.
Creator of the Inverted Fate Undertale fancomic and UTDR analyzer. Also has some Kingdom Hearts videos as well! I personally really like her episode on Alphys if you want a place to start!
Hometown County Official Website
...What is this?
Try to find the secret pages!
HylainAngel's Deltarune Save backups (Reddit post)
Fire Emblem
Zoran's High-Level Play Fire Emblem Videos
Single-handedly gave me horrible Fire Emblem meta brainrot. The Golden Deer Fixed Growths playthrough is wild to my small pea brain.
Bad at life's Fire Emblem Fates Videos
More Fire Emblem meta brainrot, this time with a focus on Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright.
Star Wars
A More Civilized Age: A Star Wars Podcast
Is potentially the only Star Wars recap podcast worth listening but BOY is it worth listening too. Never have I ever had all my thoughts on Star Wars: The Clone Wars so well explained and examined. Even when I'm at my most Star Wars-negative, I always listen to a new episode of A More Civilized Age and it always makes me feel just a bit better. So excited for them to get to the rest of Star Wars Rebels.
The end! For now...?
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artfight: | @sylph-of-eons |
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Youtube Channel: | Graymin |
Sheezy.Art: | @Graymin |