Graymin's Glyphs Site Header. Features the Green PMD2 Text Window Border and three kirby OCs: Dooloo, Hydrangea, and Digit.

What in the World is this?

So, my fascination with legendary and mythical pokemon definitely goes beyond this, but back in the day there was this YouTube series I followed starring an ensemble cast of legendary and mythical pokemon that was essentially in a modern AU. The series formally ended in March 2013 (wow thats over a decade ago,,,) and recently I discovered that this series is no longer on YouTube and is most likely lost media so this is basically my way of saying "my city now".

The basic summary is that this is just a weird AU about (primarily) legendary and mythical pokemon gijinkas hanging out and getting into hijinks.

(Also it's a good excuse for me to figure out how to program galleries so that's what we're doing.)

"Dark and Arc"

The Altverse Darkrai and Arceus. These two are sister and brother and despite their different styles, goth and glam rock respectively, these two both share a love for music and a tendency to be a bit overly dramatic. Personality wise, Arceus is the extroverted overachiever to the point of being a perfectionist while Darkrai is a laid-back introvert who doesn't like to get herself involved in drama and competition. While they both respect eachother, Arceus wishes that Darkrai could put herself out there more while Darkrai thinks Arceus could stand to relax and not take himself so seriously all the time. In this iteration, Darkrai is Shiny, and Arceus has not unlocked his Multitype ability yet so he's currently "???" Type.

The original Pokemon Legends' portrayal of Arceus was practically my first blorbo. So. Yeah. Get ready to see a lot of him going forward.

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"The Lati Siblings"

The Altverse Latias and Latios. Obviously they are twinsing it up. Since most siblings in the Altverse come in groups of three, the Lati twins stand with Dark and Arc as being a rare duo. Both of them are rather academic with Latias being the more peppy of the two who thrives in larger social circles while Latios very much sticks to his own "people" once he finds them.

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"With Friends Like These"

In the original PKMN Legends, Arceus and Latios were best friends and I see no reason to change that. Also this is just one example of Arceus's cockiness and how they really need friends like Latios to keep them in check sometimes.

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"Captain Kyogre"

She's a harsh mistress, that daughter of the sea god. Not much to say about Kyogre here at the moment. She's just an awesome pirate lady. Totally of no relation to a certain other cerulean themed pirate girl from any infamous webcomics. Totally no resemblance.

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"Transformative Masks"

Oh the irony of Mew, a pokemon capable of learning the move transform, having to talk about masks and personas with her good pal Celebi.

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I know I said that Altverse Arceus doesn't have Multitype but also the concept of them changing their hair color every two weeks ala Ramona Flowers is just too good to pass up.

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