The Hall of Fame
"Welcome to the Hall of Fame. Your names will be recorded for posterity here. What you are leaving are the memories of your adventure so far. It's time to record your names. You and your Pokémon. Remember, your Pokémon are partners that grew with you through many challenging battles. This machine will make a permanent record of your achievement."
This is my personal Pokemon "Hall of Fame" page, which I'll use to document all of my Hall of Fame pokemon teams from here on (and maybe eventually go back to put in what past ones I still have who knows) and also share miscellaneous pokemon stuff like the various meme templates there are for sorting your favorite pokemon and trainer card designs.
Pokemon X (2024 Playthrough)
As this was my 3rd time playing Pokemon X, I wanted to try and make use of the large Dex to use some Pokemon that I've never really had a good opportunity to add to a team before, with Nike the Nidoqueen and Audrey the Ferrothorn being the most notable in this regard. Also, since Pokemon X is usually such a breezy campaign to the Champion, I generally used healing items very sparingly in battle and made use of some rather gimmicky strategies.
the Greninja
Male | Quiet
Highly Curious
Lv67 | Torrent
Mystic Water
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Water Shuriken
Named after Frog's signature sword from Chrono Trigger
the Florges
Female | Timid
Strong Willed
Lv68 | Flower Veil
Energy Ball
Calm Mind
Grassy Terrain
Named after "Moonstruck Blossom", the music theme played during Queen Sectionia's second boss fight in Kirby Triple Deluxe
the Pyroar
Male | Lonely
Likes to Fight
Lv67 | Unnerve
Echoed Voice
Named after the original Japanese name of Frog's signature sword from Chrono Trigger
the Ferrothorn
Female | Serious
Somewhat Stubborn
Lv67 | Iron Barbs
Rocky Helmet
Power Whip
Iron Head
Thunder Wave
Swords Dance
Named after "Audrey II" from Little Shop of Horrors
the Nidoqueen
Female | Bold
Lv67 | Poison Point
Black Sludge
Sludge Bomb
Earth Power
Named after the Greek Goddess of the same name
the Noivern
Female | Rash
Strong Willed
Lv68 | Infiltrator
King's Rock
Dragon Pulse
Named after the traditional art form featuring dramatic music
For example, Grandleon's Metronome boosted Echoed Voice sure was a silly strat, but one that worked so well that I very rarely used any of his actual coverage. Hell, I probably used Echoed Voice to defeat more Pokemon than any of his staple Fire-type moves. Moonstruck's Leftovers + Grassy Terrain + Calm Mind + Moonblast spam was also very silly but mostly just cause it's the strat I used to sweep half of Diantha's team (but to be fair, I genuinely didn't have a great answer to Mega Gardevoir this time other than utilizing Moonstruck as my designated Special Wall). Speaking of walls, Audrey is continuing a trend that began with my Toxapex in Pokemon Scarlet in which a Physical Wall with some sort of contact-based ability becomes the foundation of my team's strategy, as she was easily my most reliable team member throughout the whole game. Comparitively, Masamune, Nike, and Opera tended to just be solid Offensive Pokemon but they played their roles well with Masamune being a tried and true Surf spammer, Nike providing Toxic utility and Electric immunity, and Opera providing Tailwind support to help get the slowest members up to speed and getting out of danger with U-turn pivots. All-and-all, this team was a lot of fun and showed me the value of using "gimmicky" strategies to add some variety when replaying the easier games in the series.
2024 Favorite Pokemon Chart

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Youtube Channel: | Graymin |
Sheezy.Art: | @Graymin |