What is SisterSent?
SisterSent is my long-term webcomic project taking place in the modern fantasy region of Armonia, a mountainous region currently going through a period of economic decline as it's reliance on the natural resource 'Necromatter' is becoming less feasible.
At the heart of this region is the city of Aedville and it's landmark, the Clockwork Mountain, an elaborate magitech facility that was used in the past to extract and synthesize 'Necromatter'. In the valleys below Aedville, the locals are forced to contend with 'The Haze', a phenomena which refers to the dark smoke produced by the Clockwork Mountain which has resulted in the continued mutation of Armonia's local wildlife and the spread of chronic illness throughout the region. However, throughout the Armonian Valleys are magic users who utilize their gifts to dispell the Haze, though a decisive end to this cycle is still out of sight.
Our story starts when Eden Edgardo comes to the town of Rainborough to hire a group of adventurers willing to escort her to Aed's Woods and the site of her destroyed family home, in which hides the sealed armory of Clan Edgardo. At the same time, Cinder Sune, a girl of the same age living in Rainborough is currently undergoing training to assist her mother, Myeong Sune, with the task of magically dispelling The Haze, a hazardous magical substance that is produced by the Clockwork Mountain in Armonia's capital city, Aedville, and regularly settles in the valley region around Rainborough. While Eden waits for the Valleyguard, a newly form adventurer's guild founded by Cinder's sister, Masa, to return to town, she decides to help Cinder complete her training, setting in motion a series of events destined to change Armonia forever.

Clan Edgardo
5 years prior to the start of SisterSent, the family home of Clan Edgardo was destroyed under dubious circumstances and the three children of Judas and Delara Edgardo were orphaned. Clan Edgardo in Armonia's past was primarily known for their skills in metalsmithing and mastery of the sword, but over time lost power and influence as the Venger Clan in Aedville took ownership of Armonia's various steel manufacturing firms.
Eden Edgardo
Eden is the youngest of the Edgardo siblings at 14 years old and has recently come to Rainborough in search of a way to reach the sealed Armory that lies underneath her destroyed family home. Despite how young she was when she lost most of her family, Eden is a humorous and clever girl who has seemingly no issue exploring the many forests and mountains around Rainbrough. Eden also seems to have a natural aptitude for Astral magic, a rare talent that manifests in the form of visions of the past and future. According to those who knew Delara Edgardo, Eden shares a strong resemblence to her late mother in appearance and personality.
Her combat class is Cleric.
Artemus Edgardo
Artemus is the second oldest Edgardo sibling at 22 years old and has recently come out in the past year as a trans women. As a child, Artemus always seemed to excel the most at her family's supposed calling by being an unparalled swordfighter and a skilled weaponsmith. Because of this, many people suspected that Artemus was the obvious favorite of her father Judas and probably led to how Artemus became noticably overconfident in her late teens. Despite this reputation, Artemus is a genuinely hard-working and generous person and her more offputting personality traits seem to just stem from the lost of her family and how she can't really fit in the norms of Armonian society. Before Sterling's disappearance, Artemus was briefly dating Tayanita Grace, co-founder of the Valleyguard Adventurer's Guild.
Her combat class is Duelist.
Sterling Edgardo
Sterling Edgardo is the oldest of the Edgardo siblings and would presumably be around 24 years old now. As a child, Sterling was very sickly and thus was unable to be trained in the art of swordfaire as was his family's tradition. Because of this, many suspect that Sterling was more neglected as a child, especially after Artemus began to excel as a sword fighter. However, instead of being deterred by this, Sterling began to focus his energy into obsessively studying magic, quickly rising up the ranks as a very knowledgable mage. This attention led to him being briefly apprenticed by Hugo Heather, which is where he met and befriended Helio Heather. After Sterling was accepted into Armonia University, he started working at Eastmount Alchemical Plant where he would later disappear after an explosion went off at the facility. He has not been seen in 2 years and is still presumed missing.
His combat class is Mage.
The Valleyguard Adventurer's Guild
Adventuring is a popular career path in Armonia and the continent of Conquord at large, especially by young adults who possess the necessary martial prowess and are looking for an excuse to travel the world beyond their hometown. The Valleyguard just so happened to be founded by three such people, Masa Sune, Tayanita Grace, and Helio Heather.
Masa Sune
Masa Sune is the oldest daughter of Myeong and Sulphur Sune at 22 years old and is a founding member of the Valleyguard Adventurer's Guild. Despite her family's aptitude for magic, Masa has always gravivated towards physical activity, spending most of her childhood being involved in sports and spending time in the outdoors. This trajectory led to her briefly working as a Park Ranger around Rainborough until she recently decided to form her own Adventurer's Guild. While Masa has a healthy relationship with both of her parents, she can find both of their tendency to involve themselves in her jobs somewhat overbearing, and largely turned to adventuring as a way to strike out on her own and gain some more independence.
Her combat class is Brawler.
Tayanita Grace
Tayanita Grace is 22 years old and is a young up-in-coming knight who is well known throughout the Armonian Highlands. Taya was born in Visa Gorge and moved to Rainborough with her grandmother as a child. In recent years, Taya's grandmother moved back to Visa Gorge while Taya has continued to pursue a career in adventuring along with her childhood friend, Masa Sune. Like Masa, Taya was active in sports and outdoors activities as a kid and has always aspired to be a knight. Taya is very well-liked around Rainborough due to her honest and updstanding demeanor. 2 years ago, she was dating Artemus Edgardo before they had a falling-out shortly before Artemus's brother went missing. Since then, Taya has formed her own Adventurer's guild with Masa Sune and Helio Heather and most recently left on a mission to hunt a 'monster threat' mutated animal spotted in the forest outside of Aedville.
Her combat class is Knight.
Helio Heather
Helio Heather is 24 years old and is a founding member of the Valley Guard Adventurer's Guild. Helio is a trans man. Originally from Aedville, not many people know much about Helio's upbringing as he never talks much about it. This combined with his soft-spoken behavior has earned him the reputation of being very shy and reclusive. That said, Helio is a talented musician and is very knowledgable of art and literature and doesn't hesitate to express his passions. Several years ago, Helio was working in the office of his uncle Hugo, an accomplished alchemist which is where he first met Sterling Edgardo. Since then, he and Sterling were often seen together around Armonia University in the years leading up to Sterling's disappearance. Along with Artemus Edgardo, Helio has been the biggest advocate of the theory that Sterling is still alive, and suspects foul play was involved in the explosion at Eastmount Alchemical Plant. Many suspect that Helio has become an adventurer in order to investigate the incident for himself.
His combat class is Bard.
The Sune Clan
The Sune family is not necessary a wealthy family but they are moderately well-known and have multiple different branches throughout Armonia. One such branch of the family lives in Rainborough, unofficially led by Myeong Sune, a talented witch who has used her skills to dispell the Haze around the town since her childhood. Over two decades ago, Myeong married Sulphur Toshiaki, formerly a Summit Knight in Aedville who has since become a city council member of Rainborough and has primarily been in charge of the Adventurer's Registry. Most recently, Myeong has been helping their daughter, Cinder Sune, train to be able to dispel the Haze, a duty that has only become more and more demanding over time. The Sune Clan is also associated with foxes, often keeping them as pets.
'Cinder' Shindera Sune
Cinder Sune is the youngest daughter of Myeong and Sulphur Sune and the younger sister of Masa Sune at 14 years old. Even among close family friends of the Sune family, Cinder is considered to be something of a wallflower, always listening in on conversations rather than intruding herself. While Cinder already seems to be an adept magician, she lacks confidence in her skills and specifically has been struggling to master the Dispel spell needed to manipulate and purify the Haze. Underneath her docile demeanor, she hides her deep committment to her mother's cause and a sense of justice that rivals her father's.
She currently has no combat class.
Myeong Sune
Myeong Sune is the mother of Cinder and Masa Sune and the wife of Sulphur Sune and is 50 years old. Myeong was the oldest of her own siblings along with her twin sister and had a fairly uneventful upbringing in Rainborough aside from her learning how to dispel the Haze. Being a natural talent in Astral Magic, Myeong also studied and became certified in Medical Magic and works on and off as a magic instructor in Rainborough. Myeong first met Sulphur Toshiaki when he was still Summit Knight and the two quickly fell in love, being drawn to eachothers strong sense of integrity and mutual respect. While Myeong has always taken her personal duties in stride, Myeong has long held true to the belief that she and the other magic users of the Armonian valleys wouldn't have to dispel the Haze if the Armonian Elite weren't allowed to keep using the Clockwork Mountain as a facility. Even as Myeong trains Cinder, a part of Myeong wants nothing more than to see an end to this cycle within her lifetime.
Myeong's combat class is Witch.
Sulphur Sune
Sulphur Sune is the father of Cinder and Masa Sune and the husband of Myeong Sune and is 49 years old. Very little is known about Sulphur from before he arrived in Armonia as a young adult, and this seems to be a topic intentionally avoided on his part. Despite this, Sulphur quickly established himself as a respectable member of the Summit Knights due to his strong personal code of justice and his aptitude for Geomancy, a form of magic not officially taught in Armonia. During his time in the Summit Knights, he worked alongside Delara Darya (later known as Delara Edgardo) and considered her to be one of his best friends. After he married Myeong Sune, Sulphur quit the Summit Knights and became involved in Rainborough politics where he later become the head of the Adventurer's Registry. While Suphur's progressive mindset has earned him a lot of popularity with the general public, many members of the Armonian Elite consider him to be arrogant and that he cares more about his own rules than the 'law'. Outside of his career, Sulphur is known to be a doting father and staunchly loyal husband who never lets his job distract him from his family.
Sulphur's combat class is Mage Knight.
If you want to find more references of my original characters, you can check out my Artfight Character Gallery!